Literature / Sites

If you would like to know more about the Self-Confrontation Method, please read:

Self-Narratives: The Construction of Meaning in Psychotherapy
Hubert J.M. Hermans & Els Hermans-Jansen
New York: Guilford Press, 1995 (since 2001 in paperback edition)

The Dialogical Self: Meaning as Movement
Hubert J.M. Hermans & Harry J.G. Kempen
San Diego: Academic Press, 1993

If you are interested in ACT then you will find a lot of information on the Web. Good starting points are the official ACT website and the book ‘Get out of your mind & into your life. The new Acceptance & Commitment Therapy. Steven C. Hayes, and Spencer Smith, 2005′.

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Inspiring book of the week: The Book You Wish your Parents Had Read, by Philippa Perry.